Together, we can

Making life easier, one click at a time

Making life easier,
one click at a time

Our Impact

We’ve worked on improving the lives of a few young people through direct practice.

We encourage saving by providing an easy and accessible way for college students to save money, Xbank can help them build a safety net for unexpected expenses and invest in their future goals.

What we do

Welcome to Xbank, the bank designed for college students! We know that managing your finances while you're in college can be tough, which is why we've created a banking experience tailored specifically to your needs.

Hassle-free loans

Xbank provides youth with low-interest, flexible student loans to cover tuition, food and other expenses. Our simple application process ensures quick approval for fast access to funding.

Save Your Spare Change

Save the extra change and small bills you have left over after making purchases throughout the week by transferring them into your Xbank savings account. Set up reminders to do this on a daily or weekly basis. With Xbank’s automatic savings feature, you can even set this up to happen automatically. By the end of the month, you’ll have saved a significant amount of money without even realizing it!

We Educate

we believe in the importance of growing your money and achieving your financial goals. We provide easy-to-use tools and resources to help you take control of your finances

We Employ

We run organizations where we employ youngsters so they can live their dreams for themselves and their families.

Our numbers

At Xbank, we’re proud to have grown alongside our student community, with their support and feedback

0 +
Average Acc Balance
Minimum Deposit
Our Partners